Andrew Brown
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Boat Lifting and Transom Platforms
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Carrying your tender or dinghy around with you safely and with ease to use, has always been a challenge when at sea. FKG is the official dealer for Tenderlift boat lifting solutions for the Caribbean and Florida. We can specify, install and service these systems using a convenient local shipyard, but also using our experienced hydraulic, electrical and fabrication departments. We are also service partners for other brands, such as TNT, Opacmare and Besenzoni.
Stabilizers: Gyro & Roll Fin
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Official Dealers for Seakeeper Gyro stabilizer systems, and also technical support partners for ABT Trac, Naiad & Quantum.
Team members
Mathew Erato
Technician & Seakeeper Specialist
Nitrogen Recharging
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Low, medium and high pressure nitrogen gas charges are used in most of the applications we cover, we have an extensive range of adaptors and pressure measuring equipment for this from sailboat Boom Vangs to Jack Hammers.
Motion Control: PLC Programming & Troubleshooting
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All hydraulic systems have electrical control, and more and more often using PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers). Within certain boundaries we can assist faultfinding and also troubleshoot some of the leading brands.
Team members
Stuart Ingram
Head of the Hydraulics Department
Load Testing: Cranes, Access Rails, Launching Devices, Safety Gear & Gangways
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We have Lloyds certification for all aspects of load testing and visual inspection for both leisure marine and commercial shipping.
Team members
Kevin Giwanand
Hydraulics Technician
Garage Doors and Locking Pins
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Shell doors, transom and access doors and hatches are a vital part of safety and access to equipment inside all boats. We service and maintain all hydraulic and electrical aspects.
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Gangways and boarding solutions are a major part of safety and comfort on any boat. We can specify, install and service all brands. We can also carry out Class load testing for most classifications. This includes Opacmare, Bezansoni, Nautical Structures, just to mention a few.
Electric & Hydraulic Winch: Service & Installation
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Teaming up with our rigging and deck hardware department, we can specify, install and service all major brands of electric and hydraulic deck and captive winches, such as Harken, Lewmar and Rondal.
Bow Thrusters
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We cover installation, service and maintenance on all brands of bow and stern thruster, and dynamic positioning systems like OMS, Max Power and Lewmar
Team members
Douglas Mason
Senior Hydraulics Technician